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Writing a Thesis: Keep it Simple but Logical

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A renowned ISSCAD Professor of Development Economics, Prof. Zhang Xiaobo, delivering a lecture titled “HOW TO WRITE A THESIS” advised students to always articulate their thesis in a simple but logical manner.


Explaining the “Grandmother Rule” concept, “clear writing is very important”, Prof. Xiaobo submitted that students must be able to communicate their ideas in such a way that a lay man would be able to comprehend. “Language should be simple, though not dry or passive but argument must be logical”, he stated. According to him, excellent ideas can only emanate from a peaceful mind. Therefore, “the mind must be like an undisturbed lake, with a peaceful mind, ideas will flow naturally”, he emphasized.


In generating and building up ideas, Prof. Xiaobo encouraged students to expand their knowledge base by reading widely and recommended that students should endeavor to study educational materials outside their field while prescribing History, Literature and Philosophy texts. According to him, this strategy will provoke curiosity and enhance analytical skills. Speaking further, he stated that with proper understanding of Philosophy, students will be in a better place to challenge research papers and come up with better ideas in a creative manner.


Emphasizing the importance of great ideas, he advised students to think like a child, to observe more and be open-minded while noting that a guided observation with appropriate research methods can be translated into an interesting article and research product. He stressed the need for cooperation if high quality paper must be developed while advising students not to procrastinate, not to plagiarize but inculcate self-control. He encouraged students to always support their view points with strong evidence.


He reiterated that students must be very clever and painstaking in the process of report compilation and articulation and warmed against typographical errors, as according to him, it can be “embarrassing and disastrous” most especially if found in abstract or the conclusion sections of research paper. He called on students to be “very smart, to write incredibly fast and speak eloquently”, according to him, these are indispensable qualities of global leaders, policy makers and corporate heads.