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In Memory of Nanjing Massacre: ISSCAD mourns with China




 ISSCAD students observed a moment of silence hand in hand.







By: P. Emmanuel Munyeneh





中国渴望守护世界和平,反对一切形式的霸权主义,致力于实现国内经济发展现代化,它对世界发声:无论(日方)是否道歉,中国都永远不会选择报复。来自南苏丹的Hillary Lukudu先生(编者注:2017级南南学员,南苏丹老兵事务部高级监察员)表示,对于他和那些同样被内乱折磨多年的人,那些照片和叙述让他们无比悲痛,他们会想起那许多在解放和战争中死去的无辜家庭。他为中国的处理方式感到自豪。与其重蹈覆辙,中国选择了和平解决之路,把焦点放在维持世界和平和稳定之上,把重心放在提高中国人民甚至全球人民的生活水平之上。

来自埃塞俄比亚的Dilamo Otore Ferenje先生(编者注:2017级南南学员,埃塞俄比亚斯亚贝巴市政府贸易局局长)表示:作为一个发展中国家,中国与其它发展中国家的合作可以说是教科书式的进步。在和平和安全方面,中国不干预其它国家内政。大多数的发展中国家都要面对曾经在殖民主义之下为自由和独立而斗争的记忆。在这些斗争中,我们失去了无数条生命,南京大屠杀也是此,它不仅仅是中国的伤痛,更是所有发展中国家共同的伤痛,我们心怀对历史的悼念,也共同期待未来的合作。同时,我们希望中国能在南南合作中扮演领导角色,不断提升发展中国家的和平与安全。

来自巴基斯坦的Asad Ali Shah先生(编者注:2017级南南学员,巴基斯坦规划、发展与改革部首席助理 )从不同的角度总结了南京大屠杀:和平对可持续发展和国家繁荣至关重要。正义是和平的基石,无正义则无长治久安。南京大屠杀是一个惨痛的教训,我们失去了几十万条宝贵的生命。作为一个新兴的经济大国,中国谋求世界和平,特别是发展中国家的和平。而恪守正义是唯一良策。中国应更多在联合国这种平台上发声,利用否决权防止此类屠杀再次发生。




==Related Reading==















In Memory of Nanjing Massacre: ISSCAD mourns with China

By: P. Emmanuel Munyeneh(ISSCAD 2017 student)


The history books of the world are replete with narratives of war, whether intrastate or interstate war. Most nations have been able to look back at years of devastation and use the past as a means of making tremendous progress while seeking peace with all. But the memories of atrocities continue to haunt the lives of others, especially those with unending memories of brutalities. Such is the case of what has now come to be known as the Nanjing massacre.  Though this incident occurred almost 80 years ago, the reminiscence of that gruesome, horrible and macabre1937 (Dec. 13) still lives on in the hearts and minds of Chinese and other global nationalities that despise war.



Recounting the stories of the massacre wounds the heart and leaves it to wander in the desert of despair, humiliation, wrath, and anger. The explanations from the few surviving members are so descriptive that even the brave hearts find it difficult withholding their tears. History recounts that of the over 300,000 Chinese citizens that lost their lives, between20,000- 80,000 women were raped by the Imperial Japanese Army. 


As globalization sets in, it is obvious that what affects one country affects the rest of the world. With this mindset which symbolizes the necessity of global peace, students at the Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development (ISSCAD) attending the School of National Development at the Peking University in Beijing on Tuesday showed a sign of solidarity with the people of China by holding hands while observing a moment of silence for those that lost their lives during the Nanjing Massacre. ISSCAD is a brainchild of President Xi Jinping (founded in 2015 on the margins of the 70th anniversary of the UNGA). 



In spite of their diverse socioeconomic, political, cultural and religious background, the students believe in the principle of universal peace.But more importantly, that identifying with the PRC during this time of national mourning is a reflection of the strong win-win bilateral relationship subsisting between China and these developing nations. "China has been there for us in times of national calamities, especially when our nations were hard hit by the Ebola Virus Disease, so it is only befitting and proper that we sympathize with them during this historic moment, especially one that is grievously memorable" noted a student. 


whether apologies are made or not. For Mr. Hillary Lukudu who hails from South Sudan, looking at the images and statements from the survivals of the Nanjing Massacre is extremely sad for people like us who have had years of civil wars and similar experiences where many innocent families died during the liberation wars. But am so proud of China's approach to handling the situation. Taking the path of peace and not dwelling in the past makes China focus on sustaining peace and stability around the world and improving the living standards of its people as well as other countries. 


Mr. Dilamo Ferenje of Ethiopia says that as a  developing country, China's cooperation with other developing countries can be seen as a big paradigm shift. In terms of peace and security, China does not intervene in the domestic political affairs of other nations. For most of the developing countries, we face the memory of colonialism and the struggle for freedom and independence. Lots of lives were lost in these struggles so the Nanjing Massacre, is not a massacre of China alone but also for all developing countries who share this memorial from our historical attachment and future cooperation perspectives. In the meantime, we request China to play its leading role in South-South Cooperation to enhance peace and security in developing countries. 


The perspective differs a little bit in terms of seeking closure to the Nanjing Massacre. According to Mr. Asad Ali Shah of Pakistan, peace is very important for sustainable development and prosperity of nation-states. Justice is the foundation of peace as, without justice, peace cannot be maintained. This Massacre is a bad example which led to the loss of hundreds of thousands of valuable lives. As an emerging economic power, China may work for the peace of the world, especially for developing countries. It is only possible by adopting policies based on justice. To prevent such Massacre in the future, China should make the efforts especially at the platform of UN being having veto power.


Whatever, the case may be, one thing remains certain: war is not the answer, and as representatives from various developing nations, we too share the grief, we too feel the pain and mourn the loss of the faithful departed of this human tragedy. But importantly, we are assured, that the PRC as a beacon of world peace, hope and security has placed this event in the annals of history. While remembering the past, we look to the future, we seek to improve the well-being of our people and our development partners, we seek peace as we interact with all nations.