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President Xi Jinping's Reply to the students at Peking University


新华社北京6月22日电 中共中央总书记、国家主席习近平6月21日给北京大学的留学生们回信,鼓励他们更加深入地了解真实的中国,把想法和体会介绍给更多的人,为促进各国人民民心相通发挥积极作用。











Beijing, June 22 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, wrote back to students at Peking University on June 21, encouraging them to learn more about the real China, share their ideas and experiences with more people, and play a positive role in promoting people-to-people relations.


In his reply, Xi said that you have taken the initiative to learn about China's national conditions and the history of the Communist Party of China, which is very beneficial to understand China's past, present and future.


Xi pointed out that to understand today's China, one must understand the Communist Party of China. You mentioned the CPC's commitment to developing the economy, eradicating poverty, and actively assisting other countries in their fight against COVID-19. The Communist Party of China does these things because it is a party that seeks the happiness of the Chinese people and strives to promote human progress.


As a Chinese saying goes, seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. I welcome you to visit more parts of China to learn more about the real China, and share your ideas and experiences with more people, so that you can play a positive role in bringing people of all countries closer together.


Forty-five representatives of international students from 32 countries at Peking University recently wrote to President Xi Jinping to extend their best wishes to the Communist Party of China (CPC) on its centennial birthday. In the letter, they shared their experiences in studying and living in China, expressed their sincere appreciation for China's great achievements under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and their strong recognition of the CPC's people-centered development philosophy.

